50th Anniversary Club Girona

María Teresa Díaz Comas Skål International

María Teresa Díaz Comas

Vice President Skål International

Dear Friends, 

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a successful and happy 2020... a new decade with new opportunities and challenges.

This new decade and year starts off with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of our beloved club Skål Girona. We are planning a big event for this momentous occasion and we would be honored and delighted to share this event with all our beloved members who have been part of this journey for the past 50 years.

As this is a very special occasion we have special guests that will be joining us in these celebrations which includes, Mr. Octavia Bona, the General Manager of Tourism for Catalonia, Dr. Joan Cals who will be addressing The challenges of tourism, past, present and future in Girona and World President 2019 Lavonne Wittmann from South Africa.

Date: 27 February

Time 18.30 for 19.00

Where: Hotel Costa Brava in Platja d'Aro

Skål Rate (50% discount) on online rates

Double room and breakfast total 60€

Single room and breakfast 50€

Contact: +34972817070 - Hotel Costa Brava (promotion: 50 Anniversary Skål).

Please confirm your attendance with payment via bank transfer to the following account:

Account Name: Skål Girona

Account number: ES61 0081 0128 1400 0112 7923

Payment must be made on or before 10 February 2020. Part of your payment for the evening will be allocated to charitable causes which will be announced during the evening.

Looking forward to welcoming all our members, friends and guests to this exceptional event.


Good Health


Long Life


Mª Teresa Díaz i Comas 
World Vice President Skål Internacional 2018-2020
Past President Skål International Girona 2010-2012